Mastering Parental Efficiency: How to Streamline Living and Financial Savings
Parenthood is as chaotic as it is fulfilling. Balancing work, family, and personal life often leaves parents feeling drained and stressed. But there’s light at the end of the tunnel!You can regain control over life's frenzied pace while keeping your ...

How Discounts Can Make Traveling with Kids Less Stressful and More Fun
Do you remember the times when you looked forward to traveling, where the journey was just as much fun as the destination? That was probably before you had kids. As a parent, traveling changes. You might feel overwhelmed alone with ...

Essential Apps to Take the Stress Out Of First-Time Parenting
Sara Bailey, the creator of Thewidow.net, contributed the following article to our website. Her writing reflects a passion for family love, parenting, and values. The article below provides information on apps that can reduce stress out of first-time parenting. Being ...

5 Ways to Find Time for Yourself with a New Baby
Mommies struggling to sneak in some me-time is not new. I’m pretty sure cave-women faced the same emotions and struggles when they had a baby. There wasn’t much to be done about it sixty thousand years ago. But it’s 21st ...

8 Lifeskills to Teach Your Kids before They Turn 7
I have cancer, I don’t have too long and my kids will be helpless orphans who will grow up to become sociopaths -- This kind of crappy thoughts often run through your head, don’t they? Don’t lie. Parenting is hard ...

Managing Stress with a Newborn
Avery Bullock is a freelance writer from North Carolina. Avery is passionate about creating exclusive articles on many different topics, including family lifestyle, parenting, and awareness. She contributed the following article to publish on our website. Her email address is: ...

4 Summer Skin Care Tips for Every Family
Jackie Edwards, a freelance researcher and editor, wrote the following article to publish on our blog. Jackie is passionate about writing on family lifestyle. She contributed many more articles on our blog in the past. In the article below, Jackie ...

3 Tips to Teach Your Child How to Read
Written By: ChildrenLearningReading.com Learning to read at a young age is important for the development of a child. Reading helps children develop a better understanding of their surroundings, allows them to gather information from printed materials, and provides them with ...

Six classes of food for children and grownups
Dear Son's food behavior seems to be highly motivated by what Dear Mom ate when she was pregnant. Dear Son does not like those items much that Dear Mom did not eat regularly when Dear Son was being cooked inside ...

Should I get a dog
My family is in a stage to face the question --- Should we get a dog. Dear Son is six years old, and it is a good age when they start asking for a dog ? if the family does ...

5-2-1-0: Parenting rule of thumb for children’s healthy lifestyle
Are you worried if your parenting strategies are ensuring a healthy lifestyle of your child? It is natural to worry about children's health. To make sure that your child is enjoying a healthy lifestyle, you can simply use the 5-2-1-0 ...

Free-range parenting: Does law support it?
You probably heard about the three parenting styles --- authoritarian, equalitarian, and permissive. You will find plenty of literature regarding these parenting styles. In recent years, a version of the permissive parenting style, called free-range parenting, has received much attention ...

How to lower a fever
How to lower a fever in kids? Giving a warm bath to the child is an excellent way to lower the fever naturally. Another option is to put a wet hand towel with cold water on the forehead, at the ...

Helping Kids Make Healthy Choices: A Guide for Parents
Today's article is the latest of many writing contributions of Wendy Ross from Safer Tomorrows. Wendy is a Chief Safety Officer who is passionate about writing on topics related to family lifestyle and safety awareness. The article today focuses on ...

Cooking With Kids: How To Keep Things Safe
Wendy Ross from Safer Tomorrows has been contributing to our blog for quite some time. Wendy is a Chief Safety Officer who is passionate about writing on topics related to safety awareness and family lifestyle. The article today focuses on ...

How to do more impactful and effective parenting
Parenting is full of should-we-say-this and should-we-do-that kind of dilemma. We act thinking that we are doing the right thing but time will answer if we are making the right calls today. Psychologists, pediatricians, and scientists would create a typology ...

Handling Temper Tantrums: How to Calm Down a Child Quickly During a Tantrum Episode
How to calm down a child is probably a question any parent would ask from day one. As the child grows up and develops emotions, tantrums come on the scene. Slowly, stopping kids from throwing tantrums becomes a major parental ...

What’s missing in this picture
As stated in one of our previous posts, resources are scarce to prepare for the assessment of gifted and talented education (G/T entrance assessment). We believe, if a child sits for the G/T test in kindergarten, the following assessments are ...

Gifted and Talented program: What is it and how to proceed
Gifted and Talented education, commonly called G/T, provides additional materials and resources to students identified as gifted. Gifted and talented education is a part of the public school systems in the USA. In most states (if not all), the student ...

Baby proofing solutions every parent should know about
This is a contributed post from Jackie Edwards, a freelance researcher and editor, who loves to develop resources and articles for new parents. Jackie herself is a new mom to twin girls. She is passionate about writing articles on family ...

How to prevent antibiotic-associated diarrhea in children
Diarrhea can be caused by many things but it is common during or after antibiotic administration. If a kid is administered antibiotic, it is essential to take a close look at the stool. Well … parents look at the poop ...

A Guide to Cyberbullying and Social Media Safety for Concerned Parents
This is the second guest post Wendy Ross from Safer Tomorrows has written on our family blog. Wendy is a Chief Safety Officer who is passionate about raising safety awareness and helping people in all types of dangerous situations. This article speaks again for her ...

Summer Fun: Safe and Active Outdoor Exploration for Your Kids
This is a guest post written by Wendy Ross from https://safertomorrows.org. Wendy is a Chief Safety Officer who is passionate about raising safety awareness and helping people in all types of dangerous situations. This article speaks for her passion. Summer Fun: ...

How to encourage children’s positive eating habits
Children enjoy rules and discipline, as long as these rules are reinforced in a positive way with a smile. Here is my smiley face 🙂 Encourage positive eating habits from day one, with a smiley face. Well ... day one ...

How to improve reading skills of children
Five foundational reading skills --- phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension --- are known to be crucial in early learning. While daycares, preschools, and kindergarten classes focus a lot on helping children improve reading skills, a major part of ...

Winnie-the-Pooh and Christopher Robin
This post is written in the voice of a (cranky) great-grandma of a neighbor. She will tell us today about Winnie-the-Pooh and Christopher Robin. I was patient with her and as a result I received great information about some great ...

A child asks dad, “Why are your breasts so small?”
I am sure the question in the title of the post, "Why are your breasts so small?", has raised many eyebrows. Actually, this is the question Dear Son asked me today. Dear Son is four years old. As his Dear ...

How to check if you use the permissive parenting style
Parenting styles, as explained by Dr. Phil Permissive parenting style is the last one in Dr. Phil's list of parenting styles. The quiz questions of this post are directly borrowed from Dr. Phil's parenting quiz document. Other parenting styles In ...

How do you know you are an equalitarian parent?
In our previous post, we explained the Authoritarian parenting style. This post focuses on equalitarian parenting style. An equalitarian parent believes that children should have preferences. Equalitarian parents give choices to their children. Rules are simple in such families. Equalitarian ...

Check if you are using the authoritarian parenting style
Authoritarian parenting style provides clear and inflexible rules for children. A parent sets the family goals and expectations in this parenting style. There is nothing bad about authoritarian parenting. It is just one of the three styles --- Authoritarian, Equalitarian, ...

How to avoid summer learning loss
Summer Learning Loss refers to the loss of academic skills during the summer holidays. Younger kids suffer from this loss more than the older kids. Preventing or minimizing summer learning loss is not difficult with a good summer-activity plan. Some ...

What to pack for a zoo trip with a kid
Early elementary stage or Pre-k is a great time when children enjoy watching all the beautiful animals in the zoo. Going to a zoo with children cannot be a random and sudden decision, though. We need some preparations and a ...

Parenting: the power and peril of setting boundaries
As you know, we are a family of three. We did not have a good idea about parenting. I (Dear Mom) thought I will grow an ‘instinct’, a ‘motherly instinct’ to be precise, with the birth of Dear Son. That ...

Alcohol while breastfeeding
Really? I said “Really” but I get it. There are times when depression kicks in easily after childbirth. The mind wants to take a little rest as well as the body. I do not drink. Therefore, alcohol was not a ...

What to look for when finding a daycare
Childcare is working parents' main concern. Astute readers with children already know that the quality of the daycare and the care the teachers provide are the most important factors under consideration during childcare search. One may think what is there ...

How to select a school
How to select a school or a school district is a difficult question. There are too many parameters involved. Selection of a school sometimes depends on the type of school --- public or private. Private and public schools Let us ...

Hand, foot, and mouth disease in children
Hand, foot, and mouth disease is common in children. Given that it is caused by a virus, there is not much to do as a cure for this disease. In the USA, every year there are more than 200,000 reported ...

Toys for children of different ages
Dear Husband has been diligently writing for this blog. While we do most of the activities together, there are areas where one of us has no clue how the other one does things. For example, I do not know what ...

Developing early math skills
Learning is different with different kids. Yes, of course, there are expectations based on age groups but there are also studies on different teaching techniques and their effectiveness. No, I do not have the references to these studies. I read ...

Potty training tips
We were damn worried about the title of this post. Many items popped up in mind, for example, "potty training guidelines", or "potty training in 3 days" or maybe "potty training in a few years", or "potty training meme", or ...

Online resources for pregnancy, childbirth, and parenting
Resources are abundant on the Internet. We nowadays jump to the internet before speaking with anyone about anything. Our search spans from searching for housing to finding online reviews to doing extensive research for educational materials to why our baby has dark poop ...

An interview with Dear Son
In this post, we transcribe a conversation with our four-year-old Dear Son (DS). It was basically an interview for our blog but DS does not know that. Therefore, DS did not feel the necessity of answering the questions diligently. Many of the sentences ...

How to shop with a toddler
Dear son keeps us busy when we go shopping. We deal with new situations with our toddler from time to time. So much for what to expect. 🙂 Children learn during shopping Some of the interesting behaviors of our son ...

What will a child become tomorrow?
What kind of a person we want to see our children grow up to be? It is a primitive yet elegant question. Like every parent in the world, we have dreams about the person our child will become. Many parents ...

A few items to keep in mind after childbirth
We stared this discussion in a previous post. Our second post in this sequel covers the "after childbirth" part. Before I continue with this episode related to the “after” part of childbirth, here are a few more items that I should ...