Decorating for Thanksgiving is always a fun. It adds an element of warmth to the holiday season. The arrangements need not be overwhelming and expensive. Making a house or an apartment look festive re...Read More
Thanksgiving is coming. A feeding frenzy is accompanying Thanksgiving in most families as they get together for the holiday. Thanksgiving’s main focus has become the food, with many people arran...Read More
This is a contributed article from Jackie Edwards. Jackie is a freelance researcher and editor, who loves to develop resources about family lifestyle. Jackie’s post today is focused on home acce...Read More
We have limited time to cook like almost all American families. Given that both of us work full-time and stay out of home most of the daytime, it is tempting to go for restaurant-food or order a pizza...Read More
A year ago, we did not even imagine that we will be writing on this topic: how to sand like a professional. We have been doing a little bit of woodworking DIY for which sanding is essential. Sanding n...Read More
Wendy Ross from Safer Tomorrows has generously contributed another article for our family blog. Wendy is a Chief Safety Officer who is passionate about writing on topics related to safety awareness an...Read More
Jackie Edwards generously contributed another post for our family blog. Jackie is a freelance researcher and editor, who loves to develop resources and articles about family lifestyle. Jackie’s ...Read More
As stated in one of our previous posts, resources are scarce to prepare for the assessment of gifted and talented education (G/T entrance assessment). We believe, if a child sits for the G/T test in k...Read More
Gifted and Talented education, commonly called G/T, provides additional materials and resources to students identified as gifted. Gifted and talented education is a part of the public school systems i...Read More
We had been desiring to make a wooden tray for quite some time. Just like any do-it-yourself project, we learned a lot on our way of building the project. Making things is so much fun! Making a tray c...Read More