How to check if you use the permissive parenting style

A quiz to check the level of permissive parenting style you are using. #parenting #Permissive #parentingStyle #PermissiveParenting #ForKids #Kids

Parenting styles, as explained by Dr. Phil

Permissive parenting style is the last one in Dr. Phil’s list of parenting styles. The quiz questions of this post are directly borrowed from Dr. Phil’s parenting quiz document.

Other parenting styles

In our previous two posts, we explained Authoritarian and Equalitarian parenting styles. We provided two quizzes in those two posts. The quiz in the current post is for Permissive parenting style.

Permissive parenting style

Permissive parents set broad boundaries for their children. Their approach is more gentle and they like to intervene only when kids are in trouble. Parents using the permissive style believe in empathy, compassion, friendship, and encouragements when dealing with a situation relevant to their children. Permissive parents allow freedom of opinions, self-improvements, and personal goal attainments. They know the cues well that will motivate the children in the right direction.

Permissive parenting style is accepting, supportive, respectful, ensuring, and motivating without exactly uttering motivational words. It encourages the child to reach self-selected goals. Sometimes this style is too lenient. It may need a long time to see the results of a permissive parenting style. 🙂

The following quiz has ten questions. It will tell you what level of permissive parenting style you are using out of these four levels: high identification with the permissive style, dominant behaviors for the permissive style, average or moderate behaviors for the permissive style, or low behaviors for the permissive style.


Use the following quiz to check
if you are a permissive parent

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From A Family Blog: Settle in El Paso

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22 thoughts on “How to check if you use the permissive parenting style

  1. I would like to be a permissive parent since it is one that will allow the kids express their feelings and attitudes towards certain situation. The better thing I found on it is that one can also have that ability to intervene where necessary, but done with love and not criticisms.

  2. As a parent, we always wanted our children to have a good behavior as they grow up. Permissive parenting is just fine as long you can still manage your temper in guiding them to correct bad habits. Children are very aggressive in discovering newly things influence by their friends and social media’s exposure. Let’s just keep in mind that kids are always our treasure and they should be treated fair the way it should be.

    1. So true— kids are influenced by the environment. Care must be taken so that they can distinguish good and not so good things.

  3. I believe I have a permissive style. I’ve taught my kids to learn on their own as much as possible. I do teach them the basic stuff and things that are difficult to learn without adult supervision. Like how to ride a bike, how to pour a cup of water without spilling, and other simple things.

    But I teach them gradually and progressively.

    I don’t baby them. I let them learn that as time passes by, they have to be capable of doing things without us. They practice independence as much as possible.

    It’s not because we don’t want to. But the sooner they learn, the better. Kids eventually become teenagers. These lessons will serve them well as they transition into adulthood.

  4. I’m no parent yet but I think I’ll become one. If I’m permissive to my brother and other little cousins that I have, what more if that would be my own child.

  5. I am a new parent, therefore, I think it is too early to judge my parenting style. However, based on my early assumptions, I believe I am closer to egalitarian parenting. I believe in giving opportunities to the children o explore things. I have watched my sister closely. She is a permissive parent. Her parenting style sometimes gives her a lot of trouble.

  6. I wish to acquire the style of permissive parenting, in my future. I’m not married yet, but I always thought of giving my future kids, the freedom they want. I never heard of the term permissive parenting style, but it’s quite intresting and makes good sense.

    We should allow our kids to stand up by their own. Our responsibility over them is only to give them good quality education and teaching them good manners. If we do so, our kids will surely lead more successful life with confidence.

  7. My test result says that I have a dominant behaviour of permissive style. I tend to let children do what they want, if they fail they can be sure I have their back. I want them to learn by their own way, and learn from their mistakes.

    1. Makes perfect sense. Any parenting style is fine as long as it suits the family dynamics. Thank you for visiting and commenting. Have a wonderful day.

  8. I think I’m a permissive mum,though in a firm way.Kids are handful,one need to be a little to the left (firm) and a little to the right(accommodating).Don’t need name calling like Iron Lady. Lol.

  9. Nice…I took your quiz and it turns out that I’m Dominant behaviors for the Permissive style. I agree with this result, I love my family and my child and sometimes all I want is for him to be happy and enjoy good times and have great memories with me and his father.

  10. That’s a nice little quiz. I answered all the questions and this is my result: Dominant behaviors for the Permissive style.

    And I guess it’s the truth. I am without the doubt one of the parents that use the permissive style of parenting. I just can’t help it. I love spoiling my boy… he’s my first born and he’s my world. It’s hard saying ”no” when he asks for something. My husband is a bit more firm but even he, often caves in, haha.

    I just want my baby to have everything possible in his life and if that makes me permissive then so be it!

    1. I totally understand. It is absolutely fine to use any parenting style or a mix. Every parent has a different and a natural style that suits a family. Thank you for reading, taking the quiz, and writing a great comment. Have a wonderful weekend.

  11. While I try as much as possible to give my kids a leeway when it comes to my parenting style, there are some behaviors or patterns that I would not overlook and will be very hard on if it comes up. Things like my kids back-chatting or being disrespectful to me, lying, stealing. My kids are aware I flip at these things. And I call them for a severe talk or discipline them another way. Other than that, I am very close to my kids and basically enjoy a trusting relationship with both of them.

    1. That is a great strategy. I totally agree with you. Kids must learn morality, good behavior, respectfulness, and ethics from grownups in the family. There should not be any compromise or softness regarding these items. Thank you so much for visiting and commenting. Have a wonderful weekend ahead.

  12. My niece would contribute greatly here. She would ‘permit’ her kids to play with a ball inside someone else’
    s house but not her own. And then someone else’s sofa would be a ‘bouncing mat’ for her kids – the list is endless.

    1. Haha … 🙂 That is neat. I guess grandparents and aunts won’t mind but I will still take my kid to a park and tell him to play with a freezby or a ball there. Thank you for visiting and commenting. Have a wonderful weekend ahead.

  13. I know i am a permissive parent. I want like my son to tell me everything, and never be ashamed of things he do and say. Our kids need to find a friend in us not only a parent.

    1. That is so great and so true that kids need to find a friend in a parent. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and writing a lovely comment.

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