In-home air quality can be a major health concern, particularly for parents. Children whose bodily systems are still developing can be damaged by polluted indoor air, leaving them vulnerable to health issues. What is the quality of the air like in your home? The answer may surprise you.
Body and mind
You probably think of your house as a sanctuary from the outdoor world, but pollution levels inside many residences may be deadlier than the polluted air outdoors. Chemicals, molds, smoke and other contaminants can flourish indoors, leaving families, especially their youngest members, at risk. As Today.com explains, when your home’s air contains a heavy load of toxins it can lead to respiratory issues, which in turn can cause chronic health problems.
Kids who suffer from bronchitis, for example, are more likely to develop asthma. Some research reflects pollution can also adversely alter the development of children’s brains. For the sake of your family’s current and future health, it’s vital to maintain fresh air in your home. Watch your children for signs of common respiratory illnesses, such as wheezing, coughing or a runny nose, and connect with your family physician when there are signs of trouble.
Lower risk
Breathing polluted air can contribute to many health issues, such as cardiovascular disease, allergies, asthma, and emphysema. Thankfully, there are many ways you can reduce pollutants in your home.
Keeping pets groomed and off furniture can lower the number of allergens your family is breathing and removing sources of moisture such as leaks and clogged gutters are simple measures for improving in-home air quality. Wipe down shower walls after use to reduce dampness and discourage mold and mildew. Address sources of trouble and plan to spend at least one day each week tidying and cleaning. Dust, vacuum thoroughly and spray your home’s air with an allergen reducer. Bed linens should be washed once each week, and vacuum your duvet cover twice weekly.
If anyone in your household suffers from allergies, it’s particularly important to reduce the places for contaminants to collect. Merry Maids suggests embracing minimalist decor. By cutting down on clutter, there are fewer places for allergens, molds and other debris to hide, and it’s easier for you to keep up with cleaning. Instead of open shelving opt for closed cabinets, and use a filter in your vacuum specially designed to capture small particles. Carpet should be shampooed regularly or exchanged for smooth surface floorings such as hardwood or vinyl.
Clear the air
According to some experts, providing your family members with cleaner air allows everyone to literally breathe easier. Your body works harder at basic functions when you subject it to polluted air. One of the most important things you can do to keep your home’s air quality healthy is to never let anyone smoke inside. You should also actively clean the air in your home, which you can do using your home’s HVAC system. An electrostatic air filter can help maintain the system properly and keep your home’s air cleaner, removing dust mites, pollen, bacteria, and mold. Ensure you purchase the right size air filter for your unit.
Don’t invite trouble
Are you welcoming allergens into your home? Esurance points out you might be doing just that. Instead of opening your windows, rely on your air conditioning to cool your house on warm days. Also, ensure family members remove their shoes when they come in from outside to avoid tracking in debris and spreading it throughout your home. When you or the kids spend time outside working or playing, another smart move is to grab a shower and put on clean clothes when you come in the house.
Take a breath!
Providing clean air to your family is a step toward good health. Take measures to keep your home clean, provide better air, and don’t invite in contaminants. Your whole family can breathe easier with cleaner in-home air.
Written by Wendy Ross
Note: Some of the other articles that Wendy Ross brought to us for our family blog are listed below.
- Helping Kids Make Healthy Choices: A Guide for Parents
- Cooking With Kids: How To Keep Things Safe
- 5 Steps You Need to Take to Keep Your Kids Safe in Your Car
- Get Your Side Hustle On: Ideas for Single Parents
- A Guide to Cyberbullying and Social Media Safety for Concerned Parents
- Summer Fun: Safe and Active Outdoor Exploration for Your Kids
That is a very prescient post – I can’t breathe down here in the forest. I have an air purifier for the worst days and don’t open the windows.
I completely agree. Wendy is knowledgable in the topic. Her articles are always well-researched.
Wish you nice weather in the forest area.
The Spring season in El Paso is not treating many families well. Allergies are common these few weeks here.
Have a wonderful weekend.
Excellent topic and well written too Wendy. Thanks for having her here as a contributor! My partner has allergies and so I try to vacuum early in the day to help any debris or cat hair in the air settle by the time he gets home from work. My hope is then it’s less likely to make him sneeze. Also, I read recently about curtains from IKEA that can help purify the air. I thought was a cool new product that shows attention to air quality and helping the home be a cleaner place.
Thank you so much for visiting and commenting. I completely agree, Wendy wrote another great article — as usual.
It is so sweet of you that you keep your in-home air clear for your partner. Allergies can be painful.
Spring comes early in Texas. We are preparing for our family allergies now. 🙁 Hopefully, we will be able to protect ourselves this year with some early preparation as mentioned in one of our earlier posts: https://settleinelpaso.com/allergy-recurring-story/
Thank you once again for visiting. Have a wonderful rest of the week followed by a great weekend.