Winnie-the-Pooh and Christopher Robin

A must have series for children: Winnie-the-Pooh and Christopher Robin

This post is written in the voice of a (cranky) great-grandma of a neighbor. She will tell us today about Winnie-the-Pooh and Christopher Robin. I was patient with her and as a result I received great information about some great books. I suggest you remain calm as well. She is โ€œall talkโ€ and in real life, harmless and sweet.

This post contains some links to Amazon. If you use any of these links to purchase anything, I will get an incentive from Amazon with NO extra penny from your purse. I am being stereotypical here because I said purse. I did not say wallet.

Great grandma asks, Do you know who Winnie the Pooh is.
Drawn using internet resources and CrazyTalk Animator 3 Standard (Mac).

Who does not know Winnie-the-Pooh? Of course it is a silly question. It is as silly as it can be. Everyone knows that he is the best friend of Christopher Robin. You know who Christopher Robin is, right? Ok โ€ฆ since you asked politely, I am going to answer all your questions.

Who is Christopher Robin?

Give me a break โ€ฆ Definitely you are an American (from USA). You only know Rapunzel and Cinderella for your baby girls and Spiderman and Superman for your baby boys. There is another world out there beyond princesses and superheroes, one of which is Christopher Robinโ€™s world.

All the animals in the Jungle know who Christopher Robin is. He is the one who helps all the animals in distress. Christopher is the one who hammers a nail to attach a tail to a donkey. He is the one who helps a bear collect honey. He is the one who roams around the jungle with a gun and shoots bees. I guess, you have recognized Christopher Robin by this time.

Who is Winnie-the-Pooh?

You never stop amazing me. Someday you might even ask, โ€œwho is Paddington Bear?โ€ (I kept quiet because I really did not know who Paddington Bear was.) Anyway, Winnie-the-Pooh is the best friend of Christopher Robin. All the animals of the jungle know that Christopher Robin and Winnie-the-Pooh are fond of each other. Many of the animals are jealous about the best friendship-ness of these two. It seems only Christopher Robin knows why Pooh Bear is called โ€œWinnie-the-Poohโ€.

Is any other character involved in this story?

My, oh, my. This is not โ€œLife on a Pieโ€ (She was referring to the Life of Pi book or the movie). There are so many characters in the Pooh Bear story — the Piglet who is a clever writer, the Owl who always speaks wise, the Donkey who loses a tail but cannot say where he left it, the Rabbit who thinks that a jungle is a strange place, and many other nameless and named characters.

I used up my last ounce of courage to ask the three question above. By this time, I had enough information to Google. Therefore, I am providing answers to two more questions based on my search.

Is this a storybook?

If I asked this question to the great-great-grandma of our neighbor, she would have told me, โ€œI am delighted that you have asked this question (after so long). I started to wonder if parents nowadays read storybooks to their children at all.โ€

Anyway, I am not her. I am providing some details without throwing some skin-burning comments. British writer A. A. Milne (1882 — 1956) was the creator of Winnie-the-Pooh. Ernest H. Shepard (1879 — 1976) decorated the books. The toys of Christopher Robin Milne, the son of A. A. Milne, were the inspiration for the Pooh book series. There are many tales of Winnie-The-Pooh and Christopher Robin. I am providing a few links below (click on the images to visit the links).

Anything else?

Dear Son loves to read the books and hear the audio books. Great-great-great Grandma of neighbor would have said, โ€œLazy parents of these days, who do not want to read storybooks to their kids that much and at the same time who do not what to give their kids gadgets, may use the audio CDs, especially when in a car.โ€ Anyway, I am not going to say this because I am not her. I am rather providing some excellent links to the audio CDs (click on the images to visit the links).

Have a wonderful week.

Settle in El Paso team

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59 thoughts on “Winnie-the-Pooh and Christopher Robin

  1. Alright.. It’s OK, I think you’ve caught me this time around and I’ve got confess. Christopher Robin is well know to me and in fact I help him with the animal thing every now and then. ? Winnie-the-pooh, well I don’t like to talk much about her because she takes my shine away. It’s evidently proven as you can see you’ve replaced me with her on your description above..? It’s no big deal, I forgive you. But you have to tell me who “paddington bear is or I won’t let go. #laughs

  2. I always watched Winnie the Pooh and friends when I was young. As far as I can remember I like more his friends’ Piglet and Igor than him. I like the fact that children can always learn lessons from this cartoon characters. This is one of the cartoon characters that will never get old. My niece like Winnie the Pooh, when she was 5 she enjoyed reading a book and we will teach her to read, one of her favorites is the Winnie the Pooh, she also has the stuff toys of it.

  3. Parents now a days doesn’t really read books anymore to let their young ones go to sleep. I remember how my parents used to read a few story books before I go to sleep. Now there is a tablet of an android to keep your kids watching until they fall asleep. Anyway I know both characters as my parents used to read my those story books but my kids probably have known them through the cartoon shows on television. Wish we could turn back the time and read those story books to them but with the dominant presence of the internet I guess these kids just won’t be interested anymore.

  4. I grew up reading and watching the Winnie-the-Pooh series, and now my son loves them too! Sharing Winnie-the-Pooh with my son is one of favorite ways to bond!

  5. Thank your for sharing this i got interest to share this story with my toddlers. Winnie the pooh is no longer on kids TV shows. By the way i purchase infant rocker on lazada. I found the widget on the right panel of your blog. I notice there are even great deals when i click it. Can’t wait to receive those item.

    1. Thank you so much for the visit and the lovely comment. Winnie the Pooh stories are really captivating.

      I am happy to know that our blog led to the infant rocker. I am sure the baby will enjoy it. Wish you a great time.

  6. I love Winnie the Pooh. I will happily read a Winnie the Pooh book or watch a Winnie the Pooh film, no matter what age I am. It’s just one of those characters that you love no matter how old you are. I remember having a DVD where the group was enjoying an Easter celebration but the Bunny (unfortunately I can’t remember any of their names except Winnie, Tiger and Eeyore) ruined it. But then he managed to save the day by making everyone happy again. I wish I had the DVD still so I could watch it again lol.

    1. I think, the Bunny’s name is Rabbit. ๐Ÿ™‚ I definitely agree with you these are ever green characters. T

      Thank you for visiting and commenting. Have a wonderful day.

  7. Speaking of which, I just watched a movie of Pooh and Christopher Robin and it’s basically about trick or Treating, now I know who he is.

  8. Winnie the Pooh was one of the first cartoons I ever watched, haha. Altho kids nowdays won’t know about. Whats interesting is the writing is so rich, and I even feel it’s not only for kids.

    1. Yes, the books ? need to be read by parents of preschoolers and kindergarteners, most of the times. Thank you for visiting and commenting. Have a wonderful weekend.

  9. I am one of those who did not know the story of Winnie-the-Pooh and Christopher Robins. I’m sorry to be ignorant on that part but I recognize them from the tv show and various toys. Winnie-the-Pooh is well-known worldwide. We have many about 3 stuffed toys of Winnie-the-Pooh. I gained interest after reading this topic. I will read it and see what really is the reason behind Pooh’s name.

    1. Yes, Winnie-the-Pooh is famous world-wide, especially on TV. The books are more captivating. Thank you very much for providing your input. Best regards.

  10. I just love your illustrations! haha! I love Winnie the Pooh series since I was a child, but my favorite character is Eeyore, the gloomy donkey who’s sweet but doesn’t even know that he is charming. I’m not that familiar with Christopher Robin, all I know is that Pooh and her squad loves him very much.

    1. Eeyore is cute. definitely all characters here are unique. Thank you for sharing your thoughts on the Winnie-the-Pooh series. Have a wonderful weekend.

  11. Now this takes me back. My dad used to read me bedtime stories when I was younger. It was something that I looked forward to every night. Before even finishing the whole story, My dad told me that I would have already fallen asleep and then I would ask him to tell me the same story again the following night. Those sure were some good times. These days however, parents barely have the time and energy to spend some quality moments with their kids. There are too many bills to pay now and for most, one job just isn’t enough.

    But still, it should never be an excuse to not play with our kids. We should always find some time to bond and have some fun with them.

    1. Absolutely agree with you. Screen time has become popular. I am sure all parents try their heart and soul to give time to their children. It is probably the modern lifestyle that has made things much complex, as you said. Thank you for visiting and commenting. Have a wonderful Friday followed by a great weekend.

  12. Though I grew up on Winnie the Pooh stories, I’ve never been a particularly big fan of Winnie the Pooh himself. The stories and characters are most certainly classic and timeless, with lessons to be learned for both children and adults of all ages. I do love how extreme each character is, in its own way really focusing on one particular characteristic or trait. Pigglet is always so frightened, but when he needs to be he tries to be brave to help Pooh. Rabbit is kind of the crotchety neighbor (sounds a bit like great-grandma neighbor. Rabbit is my husband’s favorite of all the characters. Poor Eeyore, no matter what happens in life he is so gloomy and it seems all the bad things happen to him, like his own little personal rain cloud. My favorite has always been Tigger, his positive, cheerful, enthusiastic attitude was always a draw for me. I think no matter who you are, if you become a little familiar with each of the character of The Hundred Acres Woods, you’ll find one that you can see yourself in.

    1. Agreed. There are so many characters to connect with in these stories. The humor is classic as well. Thank you for visiting and commenting. Have a wonderful evening.

  13. I just used to love winnie the pooh When I was younger and would just love the opportunity to share these stories with my young cousins when I go babysit again one day. I have a feeling they would love it.

  14. Of course I know who Winnie the Pooh is! Of course kids these days most likely won’t due to all the new children’s content coming out. I’m 29 years old and Winnie the Pooh was one of my first cartoons I’ve ever watched. I remember fond hours of sitting in front of the TV watching this very silly cartoon, and wondering why Eeyore was so depressed all the time. Yeah I digress, I believe that this show as well as the novel should be brought back to the hearts of young minds.

    1. I agree with you! There are so cool characters in Winnie-the-Pooh series. Thank you for visiting and commenting. Have a wonderful weekend.

  15. Oh… reading this reminded me of my own childhood. My two years old baby loves Winnie the pooh so much! He loves animals so he’s a fan of Christopher Robin too. Such a beautiful story with so much to learn about.

    1. Glad to know that the post brought back some of your childhood memories. Thank you for visiting and commenting. Have a wonderful weekend ahead.

  16. Hey, did someone just forget Tiger! Like seriously… “Am the only one, I am Tiger” he was my favorite character in the animation series and always seemed happy all the time with crazy jokes and a lot of bouncing. I also liked Christopher robin who was always there for the animal and no wonder they were such good friends with him. Another character i loved was piglet who was always looking to be seen as someone who could really make a difference despite his small size.

    I think i want to meet that grandma, we will certainly have a lot to talk about. and i think i also know why Pooh was called โ€œWinnie-the-Poohโ€.

    1. Sorry that “Tiger” was compressed into the “Others” category. ๐Ÿ™‚ Yes, Tiger is cool and cute although tiger jumps too much.

      I will see if great great grandma is accepting appointments.

      Someone has explained the Winnipeg connection to the name — โ€œWinnie-the-Poohโ€. Please feel free to add more.

      I appreciate your visit and all your comments. Have a wonderful day.

  17. I have always loved Winnie-the-Pooh and his love of honey! The author’s son was Christopher Robin, and his teddy bear was named Winnie. Many of the other characters in the 100 Acre Wood were also based on Christopher Robin’s stuffies. Winnie-the-Pooh’s was named after a Canadian black bear cub, who found a home in the London zoo near Christopher Robin’s home. Winnie was named after his owner’s home city, Winnipeg! So there’s a Canadian connection too! ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. Thank you so much for the detailed information! All the Winnie-the-Pooh stories and the background connection with Milne’s family are really fabulous and exciting. Thank you for explaining the connection to Winnipeg. Have a wonderful day.

  18. Haha, ”Life on a pie” – that one made me laugh so much. That’s another great book, by the way, I loved reading it because it touched me so deeply.

    Anyway, I remember Winnie-the-Pooh and Christopher Robin. Once, I read that the inspiration for the character of Christopher was actually from his own son which surprised me. I absolutely loved reading these books though… even my mother read them to me many times. What I love about it is that it can teach you so, so many valuable life lessons. I’d really recommend it to all parents so they present it to their kids!

    Also, regarding the whole audio books. My son is a big fan of those. When he was smaller, we often had to put the CD storybook into the player and leave it playing so he could fall asleep easier. He knew every word of the stories but still enjoyed them.

    1. Thank you for sharing you experience regarding these stories. I am happy that you liked this post. I absolutely agree, the audio books work like magic. We run them when driving. Dear Son is listens quietly and giggles time to time. Thank you for visiting and commenting. Have a wonderful day.

  19. This blog truly refreshed my memory and hearing it from a grand old lady made a big difference. I almost felt I was a kid sitting down on the floor intently listening almost wanting to ask questions but I dared not.
    The question I wanted to ask was where did Christopher get the honey from? (lol)

    I see a lot of work has gone into this blog specially those drawings. Well done.

    1. Thank you for your kind words. About the honey ?, you might recall that it came directly from the hives of some ferocious bees ?. ? Have a wonderful day.

  20. I always adore the Winnie the Pooh characters, from Rabbit to Christopher Robin.. and Winnie is so cute with his honey pot ๐Ÿ™‚ Thanks for the fun share today!

    1. Agreed — they are so adorable. Christopher, Winnie, Piglet, Owl, Rabbit, Eeyore — all have become a part of our family for quite some time. I am happy that you liked the post. Thanks for visiting and have a wonderful day.

  21. This post brought back a lot of my childhood memories. I went to Amazon to look at the books. I have a new grandchild – my first. In a few years she’ll be ready for some of the old classics that never lose their appeal. Thanks, and take care.

    1. First of all — Many many congratulations on the birth of your grandchild. It must be very exciting for you and your family to be blessed with a new generation.

      I am also happy to know that the post brought back your childhood memories. Thank you for visiting our blog and commenting. Have a wonderful week.

  22. I bet when he wrote the first book, he never imagined it would be enjoyed for so long and by so many children. You just can’t help but share the stories with your children. I remember feeling so good after having my mother read them to me. I read them to my daughter now and see her eyes dance with the story.

    1. Absolutely, this is what I see in my son’s eyes as well. He is thrilled when we read the stories to him. He even tries to read the stories all by himself (as much a five-year old can read from an already memorized story).

      Thank you so much for sharing your reading experience on Milne’s books, which passed from generation to generation. Have a wonderful day.

  23. The Winnie the Pooh series is my absolute favorite on this earth. I discovered it only when I was 15 but I was in a bad place in my life and it gave me so much comfort. Milne’s writing is not just for children – it’s genuinely wise, and it’s for all ages if you can read between the lines. Plus, it’s just cute and comforting. Best books ever.

    1. Definitely. Milneโ€™s writing is not just for kids. I was reading one of his books the other day and asking my spouse if my writing will ever be like Milne’s. The answer was — in another life. ๐Ÿ™‚ I absolutely agree with you that the books are very comforting. Thank you so much for visiting and sharing your thoughts on Milne’s books. Have a wonderful day.

  24. I know who is Winnie the Pooh but is the first time I hear about Christopher Robin. So, Cristopher is a doctor of animals, donkey, bear, etc. Since, I’m not from the U.S. I know Winnie from the cartoons. I am unable to buy and read the story tale for my kids. Who knows, maybe there is CD with them?

    1. I did not watched much of the Winnie the Pooh cartoons but I think, the cartoons on Youtube somewhat reflect the books. In terms of Audiobooks, I am not sure if they are publicly available. However, Youtube seems to have a few of the Audio stories. For example,

      Thank you so much for visiting our blog and commenting. Have a wonderful week.

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