It is hard to answer if we will get what we would pay for the new Tailwind Tribe. Sorry, I started without a context, which is not polite. Please allow me to describe.
What is Tailwind?
Tailwind is a Pinterest and Instagram scheduler: tailwindapp.com . Many bloggers use it to keep their Pinterest profile active. Regular pinning gives some sort of weights and pins that are linked to your blog posts start to start to attract traffic from Pinterest. I have tested and observed that Pinterest helps increase traffic but this post is not about how I may grow my traffic using Pinterest. Therefore, I will stick to the topic of Tailwind Tribes.
Life is busy. We do not have time to use Pinterest everyday. Therefore, many bloggers choose to use a scheduler to do the pinning automatically. Many prefer to schedule pins of the coming week or so in advance so that they can focus on other things. Tailwind is a website where you can schedule your pins. Tailwind will automatically pin the posts your scheduled. Plain and simply Tailwind is a pin scheduler.
Is Tailwind free?
For a poor blog like ours, where traffic falls at rock bottom if we do not post anything for a few days, Tailwind or such a scheduler (for example, Board Booster: boardbooster.com) is an angel on earth. Does that Tailwind angel give service for free? Oh … boy. I wish it did. I would say, it is quite an expensive piece of automated service. You pay around 120 dollars for a year. If you are thinking about running a blog in a massive scale, probably it is a good idea to use Tailwind but these discussions are widely available in many blog posts on the Internet. So, for now I will focus on the Tribe thingy.
What is a Tailwind tribe?
Tailwind Tribe is a powerful feature. People can create tribes on Tailwind. A tribe is a Tailwind thing; it is not a Pinterest item. A tribe may have thousands of members scheduling one another’s pins. Our blog is in more than ten tribes on Tailwind. Each tribe has its own rule. Some tribes require scheduling one pin from the tribe’s list of posts of other members for each pin you submit. Another tribe may say, schedule two to submit one. Some would restrict pins by niches. Some tribes are open to all niches.
Is Tailwind Tribe free?
Oh … girl. The magical days are coming to an end. The meaning is, Tailwind Tribe was free so far. Many people at first think that they are paying $120 per year for Tailwind, the tribe, and all the scheduling features. However, Tailwind always claimed that the Tribe feature is “still” free, which implies that it will be a money making machine for Tailwind someday. We received an email yesterday (November 1, 2017) from Tailwind that we will have to pay to get the extensive features from December. The summary is — Sweet days are over. Pay more to use the Tailwind Tribe as extensively as many bloggers are using it now.
What does Tailwind give to the Early testers?
Yes, we the existing Tailwind Tribe users are called the “Early Testers”. Those who are already using Tailwind tribes would know what I am talking about. We received the email yesterday from Danny Maloney, CEO and Co-Founder of Tailwind. Dany gives an annoying bye-bye ta-ta animated waiving gif image in the signature part of his emails. It is his email, he can use whatever signature he wants — its a free land.
Here is the screenshot of the email we received — the text part only. For our readers’ sake, we have removed the signature part.
Bloggers, it seems you are given a lot, why are you complaining then?
I guess so, we are offered a lot as the early testers — 10 tribes, 80 posts per month. If we want more, we will get a 50% discount, which can be redeemed by the end of January 2018. We have been doing this Tailwind Tribe thingy for so long that we are habituated with using a large number of tribes and submitting unlimited number of posts. We have developed a (bad) habit of using Tailwind Tribes too frequently. 80 posts are not enough for us. We are greedy. We paid $120 for a year and thought that everything is included. Our mind did not want to accept the fact that Tailwind may ask for additional money for what habits we have built.
How much additional money you will have to pay for Tailwind Tribes if you want to keep your habit unchanged?
See it for yourself in the image below. Existing users (so called, early testers) will get 10 tribes, 80 posts per month for free, which is not even close to the number of submissions many existing users are habituated with. To increase the subscription to unlimited tribe memberships with 200 submissions, we will need to pay $59.98 per year after the 50% discount. Note that this is in addition to the $120 per year we are already paying, which will make the total $180. Many bloggers who monetize their blogs rely on Tailwind tribes for traffic. They will have to go with unlimited submissions, which costs $179.98 after the 50% discount. Note that it is in addition to the $120 yearly scheduler fee, which will make the Tailwind cost $300 per year.
Will you get what you pay for the new Tailwind Tribe?
Many bloggers use Tailwind Tribes to schedule posts of other bloggers with an expectation that other bloggers will reciprocate. The Tribe part has been considered a separate thing in Tailwind from the beginning. That is true. Another truth why many bloggers use Tailwind is — Tailwind has the tribe feature, which allows reciprocation and collaboration in massive scale. Many bloggers won’t pay $120 if they just wanted to manually search for posts over the internet and schedule them. Now that many bloggers have the habit of unlimited collaboration using Tailwind, why don’t you ask for $300 instead of $120. There is no such large tribes in other schedulers. These bloggers will have no choice, at least for now.
Now the answer to the question — Will you get what you pay for the new Tailwind Tribe — is, Yes you will. However, the service you had been receiving for $120 will now cost you $300. That is the only difference.
Best regards,
Settle in El Paso team
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Increasing the price of Tailwind Tribes might have some reduction in the number of bloggers that use this service. However, there might be a reason they had to increase and we have to respect that as well. Now, it’s the decision of their clients to continue to pay or look for an alternative.
I have a Pinterest account which is lying dormant for a long time. I have never heard of Tailwind and I may never use it even though I have a hand ful of blogs which I want to promote. I don’t have budget for social media promotion.
I’m not really familiar about Tailwind Tribe but upon browsing I find it expensive. Price increase is definitely like hold up which ranges from 120 -300. But if you’re an active blogger, I think it’s worth paying for so it’s case to case basis.
I have to admit that I have never heard of the Tailwind Tribe but it’s a shame that they’re going to require such a large amount of money now. The overall yearly costs just don’t seem worth it to me but it is true that I haven’t used them before so perhaps some might disagree.
The price increase from $120 to potential $300 is pretty rough since it’s more than double. I wonder how many members will stick with them and how many will leave.
Well I guess Tailwind decided to change their marketing strategy because its not free any longer. But ideally for those users that relies on their Blogs they will stick to it no matter price value is. Lots of Bloggers are pretty much convenient using this scheduler because it saves a lot of their time. I haven’t tried this Tailwind but I’ll do further research so that I can decide to have it or not.
I have never heard of this and this is the first time that I am reading about Tailwind Tribe. It looks like they are offering a free trial on their site so I might have a quick look, later on, to see whether it is of any use to me. Personally, the $120 a year sounds a bit much for me especially when you consider you don’t get all the functions and will have to pay something like $300 to get access to everything.
Thank you for your comment. I agree, Tailwind is expensive — the tribe features are going to be more costly. Unless someone has a running business already dependent on the traffic generated from the tribe, paying for it will create a heartache.
And yet, ironically, it was in a Tailwind Tribe that I saw this article!
Being in the right Tribe with the right piece of content in front of the right influencer can be huge for a blogger. I wouldn’t pass up such opportunities easily.
You are absolutely right — the post is in some Tailwind tribes as well as in Boardbooster tribe, some facebook groups, twitter, etc.
I definitely agree with you that putting the content in front of influencers is a big thing for many bloggers. Many bloggers will be willing to pay the extra bills Tailwind is asking for, for the Tribe facility.
Thank you for visiting and commenting.
Bah-bye Tailwind Tribes. I sure as heck will not be paying that much to remain in multiple Tribes.
Haha ? Me too. Existing users will be able to remain in the tribes the are currently in but posting capabilities will be limited. Bye bye is inevitable.
We are very happy to see you comment here. Thank you so much. Have a wonderful weekend.
I only recently heard about Tailwind and now I see that it won’t meet my budget right now. Your posts saved me having to do research on it and for that I thank you. The tribe aspect sounds a bit like Triberr, except for Pinterest. Off to share the post now 🙂
I am glad to know that the post was of help. I never used Triberr but I wish to explore that. Thank your for the information. Have a wonderful weekend ahead.