The Toy Train Depot of Alamogordo

Toy Train Depot is a fun place. Do not miss it if you go near Alamogordo, New Mexico. #travel
If you are near west Texas or if you visit the southern part of the New Mexico state and if you have kids, you probably do not want to miss the Toy Train Depot of Alamogordo. The Toy Train Depot has a toy store, a museum containing miniature model-trains from different times, and a train ride around a park. I did not think that it would be much exciting when Dear Wife first told me about it. I still followed her lead just like always. Just like most other cases, Dear Wife was right and I was wrong. We had a blast!

The address of the Toy Train Depot is 1991 N White Sands Blvd, Alamogordo, New Mexico 88310. It is around 90 miles from El Paso. Museum entry fee per person is $5 and it is $5 for the train ride. A discount applies if you purchase both the museum entry and the train ride. The total per person becomes $8.

A highlight of our visit to the Toy Train Depot in Alamogordo, New Mexico is given in the following Youtube video. The making of the video probably reflects my excitement about the Toy Train Depot.

The museum

The museum building was built in 1898. It was a real train station at that time. The building still has many of the original components including its tin ceiling and the dispatcher’s bay window.

The museum has many miniature models of trains from different times. Our tour guide operated the trains on miniature model towns placed inside the museum. The museum is full of train lines and town models. The Youtube video above shows one set of train lines. There are a few other town models, train lines, and miniature trains (that work) in the museum. There are old newspaper cuttings, historical books, parts of trains, and shelves full of miniature train engines. Some pictures are shown below.

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The train ride

There is a small rideable train outside the building. The train lines cover a very large park. The train ride starts from the front of the store. It ends there as well. The Youtube video linked earlier in this post provides some screenshots from our train ride. A few more pictures are as follows.

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The ride experience is wonderful. If you ride the train, try to ride on the last compartments that are far away from the engine. This will give you the advantage of being able to view the whole train, especially when there are curved lines.

Dear Son enjoyed the most. There were many other families with kids inside the museum and in the outside area waiting for the next ride. We had plans to visit more places. We headed toward our next destination.

Settle in El Paso team

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36 thoughts on “The Toy Train Depot of Alamogordo

  1. I like it! It sure looks like you had fun.

    I’ve had a lingering fascination with period engines. Stuff like the ones you’ve shared from the toy train depot. I don’t know. There’s just this nostalgic feeling I get whenever I imagine what life must have been like at those times.

    And the joy of getting to use the old transportation vehicles must have been memorable for those fortunate enough to have lived during the era of old train engines. Sure, it would have been less efficient compared to the ones we have now. But everything else makes the experience worth it.

  2. Wow, that is an interesting museum, we have a similar one here in my town, we can see old cars, old bicycles, old planes and old trains. It is very nice to go there is just like a travel back in time.
    We have been there twice for that feeling of old and untouchable thing!

  3. I live in the another part of the globe, and I may never visit this toy train depot; however, I believe this must be a great place to spend a day with your kids. I watched the video and it was very thrilling. Here in my home country, we have a children park where you can ride the “toy train” for 15 cents. It is a great fun to ride the toy train with kids.

  4. Sounds like a really interesting place to go. Am sure every kid will enjoy time spent there, I mean, who doesn’t enjoy train rides especially when it’s there just for fun. The museum just makes it even more fun as kids can learn a lot while having fun.

  5. It is always cool for you to have fun and relax once in a while. The world should not be all about working and not taking some time to go see some movies or ride on those trains. Happy, you two enjoyed the visit.

  6. I like riding in the train it is a fun experience indeed. I can enjoy the beauty of nature by looking outside the window of the train while listening to the music. I like also when I see different stations and their architectural and attractive designs.

  7. Forget the kids, this sounds like something that I would absolutely to visit. I love little model stuff so model trains are a great favourite of mine. That train ride looks fun for the whole family as well so I’m sure that you had a lot of fun with it. I loved the video of the toy train depot that you made as well, the editing was very nice 🙂

  8. This looks like such a fun adventure! My dad likes trains (he watches videos on YouTube) so I think he’d get a kick out of this one. As with the last post, sharing on Twitter and StumbleUpon 🙂

    1. I am so glad to know that your dad may watch this video. I completely understand why he likes trains.

      Thanks a ton for your continuous support. Have a wonderful evening.

  9. Wow that looks like an exciting ride. I think the kids will be happy and also the kids-at-heart. I’ve imagined we are there also with my family just seeing this video. Thanks!

  10. Wow! This is a great place to visit. The museum is awesome! A great place for the family to bond. And it is very educatinal too.

  11. Hi, your post is very interesting. We have such a museum here in Romania, it is called the technic museum and it contains old cars and trains. When I saw your pictures I have remembered of it. And the train… we have one here in a park called “The children’s park”, and since I cannot make an attachment here I will add a link for you to see it

  12. Now that looks like a great time… even I would enjoy seeing all of these things. I love museums and learning about the past/how things worked. Sadly, we live nowhere near Texas. We’re farrrr away. I will show my son your video though because he loves toy trains. He has two different sets – one is manual and one is driven by using electricity.

    One time when we went to the seaside, they had a similar thing set up. Minus the museum, but you were able to purchase a ticket to ride a small ”toy” train around the whole city and see things. We all went on it as a family and it was so much fun! Sharing memories together is amazing.

    1. Absolutely, sharing and building memories with family is amazing. I wish I could take my family to the seaside train ride you referred to.

      Glad to know that you liked the video. I hope your son will enjoy. Have a wonderful weekend after a great Friday tomorrow.

  13. This will be amazing and fascinating adventure for the kids. At least it is something different from the usual visit to the zoo and the art gallery. It really looks like fun if I could be a kid again I would love to have my 10th birthday there if it possible that will be memorable to say the least.

    1. Haha … It is fun for kids as well as grownups. I am pretty sure you will enjoy it. Thank you for reading and commenting. Have a wonderful day.

  14. It is fallacy to think that only kids enjoy such experiences. I am sure both of you too had a roclicking time and that got doubled seeing your son enjoy too. The child in us comes to the fore when we are presented with situations such as this. I have a passion for travel and have encountered situations that were meant both for adults and children.

    1. Definitely, we enjoyed it a lot. Seeing Dear Son enjoying made it a superb experience for us. Thank you for your valuable comment.

  15. This looks like a great place to check out for parents and kids. I used to babysit a little boy who was totally obsessed with trains and this would be a dream come true for him to visit! It’s good that it’s engaging for adults, too, especially if they’re interested in history. Looks like your family had a great time! 🙂

    1. Yes, we had a great time. You are absolutely right. This is a great place for kids as well as grownups. Thank you for visiting and commenting.

  16. Thank you for visiting and sharing! May I have your permission to share this on the Toy Train Depot’s facebook page?

    1. Yes. Please feel free to share on the Toy Train Depot’s Facebook page. Thank you for keeping the Toy Train Depot a vibrant place for both kids and grownups. Have a wonderful weekend ahead.

    1. Wow. So glad to know that you lived in Alamogordo. It is a nice little town. We visited Alamogordo a few weeks ago. Definitely, White Sands is a place to miss. Thanks for visiting our blog and commenting.

  17. Wow, that is a neat video! I enjoyed it. Seems like an exciting place to visit.

    1. Glad to know that you liked the video. It combines fragments from our trip. I combined the fragments using iMovie. Thanks for visiting and commenting! Have a wonderful evening.

  18. I bet that was really something to see. I’ve never been to Texas but always wanted to. I’ve had relatives there for years. Maybe one day….

    1. Yes, it was a great experience. I am glad that you liked the post. Thank you for visiting our blog and commenting. Have a wonderful evening!

    1. Wow! Owning a train ? like that black one must be so exciting. Thank you for visiting and commenting! Have a wonderful evening.

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