The Second of Three Days Three Quotes: Albert Einstein

“I have no special talent. I am only passionately curious.”

Modesty is a virtue that only smartest people have. πŸ™‚ Yes, the quote, “I have no special talent. I am only passionately curious.” comes from once known to be the smartest person on earth, Albert Einstein. Einstein was not only a genius but also a man with strong morality and with soft emotions, which led him to be a very modest person. His biographer called him the divine man of the 20th century.

“I have no special talent” sounds humble and of course ironic, especially when coming from a genius. The second part of the quote, “I am only passionately curious”, explains why Einstein was a genius. As human beings, we all are curious. The question is how deeply we are passionate about our constructive curiosity.

Einstein touched the hearts of millions not only through his contribution to science but also through his modesty, philanthropy, and passion in music.
Einstein touched the hearts of millions not only through his contribution to science but also through his modesty, philanthropy, and passion in music.

Again, why have we written a post with a quote?

Bloggers love to network. Three Days Three Quotes is a networking activity. This particular activity involves quotations. The rules for the Three Days Three Quotes challenge are as follows.
1. Write three quotes for three days.
2. Nominate three people each day (there cannot be repetitions).
3. Thank the person who nominated you.
4. Inform the nominees.

We thank Natalia for nominating us. Please visit Natalia’s website CabooseMama Little Pleasures. It is an excellent blog with very lovely posts.

Our nominees today are:
1. Okoto Oke Enigma
2. Georgie and Tom (Crafting My Life)
3. Claire (The Coffee Bean Brain)

The other two quotes of Three Days Three Quotes:

Day 1: The First of Three Days Three Quotes: Mother Teresa
Day 3: The Third of Three Days Three Quotes: Abraham Lincoln


20 thoughts on “The Second of Three Days Three Quotes: Albert Einstein

  1. It’s all about passion and that’s what Einstein tries to tell us in this quote. Having passion towards achieving anything can fuel the energy to achieve that and become successful at the end of it.

  2. I know nothing about Albert Einstein except that he wrote the famous equation E = MC square. I do know that Albert Einstein was German, he went to the United Dtates when Nazi’s activities intensifed in Germany (Albert Einstein was Jew) and he helped to develop Atom Bomb.

  3. Einstein was one of the smarter people on earth, we know that he had many discoveries and is best known for his theory of relativity. β€œI have no special talent” shows us what a special man he was, not only that he was smart that he was a modest man as well!

  4. Ah, curiosity! Let us not believe that it killed the cat ? In slightly different words, a Steve Jobs said, “Stay hungry!” ?

      1. My pleasure ? I’ve intended to comment before but I get distracted often. I hope to be more interactive as I find my blogging rhythm.

  5. Thank you for the nomination. I will be happy to start with this soon.

    –Claire, one of the many millions who love Einstein, too πŸ™‚

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