Rain in El Paso

Today is a rainy day in El Paso! We are enjoying the rain; Ok, the most of it; other than the part where there is water penetration through a door of the house. Dear son likes the use of umbrella on rainy days, especially because rains are rare in El Paso. It is a wet day; a rainy day; and a happy day for us. This is a going to be our shortest post so far. We are ending the post with just a few pictures that taken on rainy days in El Paso!

North Mesa Street, El Paso, Texas. We enjoyed the ride back home from work because it was raining: dibble dibble dibble dop.
North Mesa Street, El Paso, Texas. We enjoyed the ride back home from work today because it was raining: dibble dibble dibble dop.
The foggy Franklin Mountain.
The foggy franklin mountain.
The foggy Franklin Mountain!
The foggy Franklin Mountain!
Flowers on the island of North Mesa Hills Street.
Flowers on the island of North Mesa Hills Street.


9 thoughts on “Rain in El Paso

  1. I live in a small farming village in Nepal. At this time of the year, we are harvesting rice. Yesterday, it looked like there will a a heavy rain. We ran on the yard here and there to cover the harvest with the plastic sheets. Thankfully, it did not rain.
    You have amazing photography skills.

  2. Nice scenes and almost the same of what we have around here. The rainy season we have in Nigeria is one of the best around and I always look forward to experiencing it every year.

  3. Rain is nothing new in our place. I hate it when it rains in the morning especially when I ‘m about to go to work. It creates heavy traffic and makes my day worst. I prefer to have it in the evening when I’m at home and about to sleep . I get to remember the good old days when I use to cover my ears and listen to the dripping sound of the thunder and rain until I fall a sleep.

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