Parachuter from the North Franklin Mountain

Living near the North Franklin Mountain of El Paso has been an excitement for us. Last weekend, we saw two skydivers parachuting and gracefully landing at the bottom of the mountain.

We were having our afternoon tea and enjoying the mountain-view. We noticed a bird, which in a few minutes appeared to be a parachute. I quickly got a camera, which is nothing extraordinary but my cell phone (iPhone 6). Later we noticed that there was a second diver who came down from the right side of the mountain. We were not able to capture images of the second diver.

We do not know if they were skydiving or parachuting from the peak of the mountain. Either way, seeing them fly was exciting enough for us. We can only imagine how much exciting it was for the divers. 🙂 This post contains some of the pictures we took.

Settle in El Paso team

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24 thoughts on “Parachuter from the North Franklin Mountain

  1. I live in a valley. There are hills around. In the recent times, some private companies are exploring the possibilities of paragliding from one of the hills towards the north. In the last six months, two parashooter have landed few miles away from my house. I have never tried paragliding or parashooting. I have listed these activities in my bucket list.

  2. Right time and at the right place. Is that a regular thing in North Franklin Mountain? Anyway I am not into extreme adventure. I love to watch them but not into really trying them. I guess you must have the courage and desire to really be involve in such a sport. Thanks for sharing!

  3. Nice pictures you captured. I must say living in such a place must be fun! I might come around to have a holiday over there.

    1. We are happy to know that you liked the pictures. Thank you very much for your visit and the comment. Sorry for the delayed response. The automated filter separated the comment for moderation. It does this now and then. However, it is better late than never. Have a wonderful weekend!

  4. You say seeing them fly was so exciting, I say imaging you with your lovely family have your afternoon tea at the foot of the mesmeric North Franklin Mountain of El Paso is so exciting for us! I wish I were accompanying you and your family with mine!!! 😉
    Thanks for sharing the beautiful pix! 🙂

    1. Such a lovely comment with such a wonderful weaving of kind words! You are really a wordsmith. You and your family are most welcome to visit us and enjoy the view of the mountain from our backyard. ? Thanks for visiting our blog and writing those kind words.

  5. Love these shots. Have never been a parachuter and probably never will get the chance. But, oh, how much fun this looks!

    1. We are excited to know that you liked these shots. I do not think I am going to jump from an airplane either. Dear Wife may give it a try someday. 🙂 Thank you for visiting our blog.

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