This post describes a few ways of how we, the cool tech-savvy community, may survive this disaster of texting & driving ban. All the following methods can be applied hands-free. Therefore, their use should be legal. However, we strongly suggest that users consult a lawyer before implementing these methods. The authors of this post do not guarantee any safety or legal consequences of the methods.
All the following methods have one feature in common — you will have limited capability of typing. You will only be reading your incoming text messages safely. It is strongly recommended that you pull over if you need to type a message. However, you may type a few words without pulling over if you feel that no law enforcement officer is around, but again, the risk is all yours.
Driver-head mounts for smart phones
Driver-head mount is a simple sophisticated device designed to attach a smartphone with the head of the driver. The phone is tightly mounted on a synthetic rubber stand, which is strongly attached to a head-band as illustrated in the figure. Although it is possible to mount tablets with this stand, we strongly recommended that only smartphones be used while driving. Tablets may increase the risk by obstructing the street-view even though we know that many people can drive fine without having a direct view of the road. It is alright to mount tablets, including iPad and Galaxy Tabs, while jogging or walking.
Cons: Users may experience headache after using the mount on their head for an extended period of time. We are sure that scientists will discover the optimal number of hours one may keep the device attached to the head without any health issues, when the device will be commercially produced.
Another drawback of this mount is that it may be difficult to type text messages while driving. The headband may become loose when typing a text message, especially when driving at a high speed.
Smart steering wheel—phone mounting device
Steering-wheel phone mount is a technology that places the phone on the steering wheel, which is the closest to where people keep their phones for traditional texting & driving. Smart steering wheel mounting keeps the street-view unobstructed. It will let the user text and drive with an ease, without any necessity of taking the arms off the wheel.

Cons: Compared to the other approaches, the number of risk-factors of texting and driving seem to be lesser with the smart steering wheel—phone mounting device. Inefficient texters may complain about the steering wheel mounts but such texters complain about any kind of texting and driving. Therefore, disregarding their complains will be the best policy to support the Renaissance of texting and driving.
Rearview mount for smart phones
Rearview mount is a sophisticated device that may carry both cell phones and tablets. The owner will mount the gadget with the sturdy mount, which will be attached to the rearview mirror. The following sketch demonstrates this elegant solution to the texting and driving ban problem.

Cons: Inefficient texters may report difficulty in typing text messages while driving at a high speed. We are pretty sure, even such inefficient texters will admit that the mount is great in using the smartphone as a GPS.
Windshield screen messenger on custom Tesla
Tesla is making full self-driving cars. If someone has a Tesla self-driving car, he/she may text and drive when the car is on self-driving mode. We are not sure if law would prohibit the driver from texting when the car is driving by itself because technically the human-driver is not the driver but the car is the driver when the car is on autopilot.
Anyway, we cannot afford a Tesla. Therefore, we are not much worried about it at this point. Yet, we have something more innovative than the previous ideas for Tesla-like smart cars. The idea is reflected in the following figure.

One may customize the windshield of a smart car before purchasing it. The windshield will be able to display all messages and notifications from the cellphone. This is something like the sci-fi movies where there are transparent glasses on which techy texts appear and blink. A self-driving capacity with this windshield screen messenger will be a perfect millennial combination. Typing on the windshield may sound a little inconvenient at first but it is possible to write text messages without typing by using a smart phone’s voice recognition software. 🙂
Cons: This technology will be expensive. We are not sure if Tesla will be willing to make such windshields either. Elon Musk is great. He might like the idea. If you are lucky, he might even install such windshields on the spaceship for manned Mars mission.
Motorcycle mounting device for texting and driving
We do not know if motorcyclists text when they drive. It sounds too risky. Anyway, our innovative ideas are not limited to regular four-wheel vehicles. The ideas cover motorcycles as well. Please take a look at the following picture that demonstrates how a motorcyclist may mount a cellphone on a two-wheeler.

The cell phone will be mounted on the front side of the motorcycle. The stands should be flexible. The motorcyclist will be able to tilt the phone to the left or to the right to keep street-views unobstructed.
Cons: This mounting device is safe mostly for enjoying incoming text messages. While it is possible to send text messages with slightly increased risk, we recommend that the user avoids typing text messages. By the way, sending a text message is risky with our without a mounting device when driving a motorcycle. This implies that not being able to type a text message is not a limitation of this proposed mounting technology. Rather, it is the limitation of motorcycles.
Concluding remarks
Texting while driving is under no circumstances an acceptable activity. It risks the lives of others on the street who are relying on your driving skill, efficiency, and kindness.
Please notice that we have published this post under Awareness and Comedy and sarcasm categories. We observe people texting and driving almost everyday. Do you notice that many drivers are doing that? Please feel free to share any relevant experience in the comment section.
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This is a funny post that gets across the major health risks and issues of texting whilst driving. I enjoyed reading this a lot and really hope to see more of these posts in the future, where issues are alerted to this blogging community in a lighthearted manner.
I am glad to know that you would like to read more such awareness posts. Thanks a lot for providing a valuable feedback.
Catchy points. I like the smart screen idea.I personally don’t support texting and driving, because it requires your attention to come up with what you want to write.If it’s urgent,then just pull over and do the needful before you continue driving.
I completely agree with you. If it’s urgent,then one can just pull over. We do not support texting and driving, at all. The post is a criticism of texting and driving, in a sarcastic way.
Hilarious but sad at the same time, as our tech “savvy” society circles slowly down the drain, said this Boomer. We’ve had this law in California for at least three years now, and it doesn’t amount to a “hill of beans!” Like our CHiPs have nothing else better to do than to arrest texters instead of actual speeders and reckless drivers that plague the highways and roads all over Calfornia!
Indeed, it is a sad thing about our tech savvy society. I heard someone saying, “I am very cautious. I text only when I am driving below 30 mile per hour.”
I think the awareness has to come from the heart.
I agree with you — we probably do not have enough law enforcement workforce to reinforce text and drive laws.
Thank you very much for visiting and commenting. Have a wonderful evening.
I feel like such an idiot because I was actually worried and thought you were serious. Haha! I think one idea wasn’t too bad, the iPhone on the mount idea, but others are a work in progress, to put it lightly. I am glad you informed everyone that texting and driving are in no way acceptable. I see people do it on the street every day, and when you’re on the road, there are so many stimuli you have to consider. A text message can wait, and the millennials, to whom this is most relevant, should take note of that. They should read this blog too. They’ll have a laugh as I did.
Haha … we are using humor as a tool for awareness. We are planning on more such awareness posts but we will always explicitly mention the real message.
I agree with you — a text message is of no priority while driving.
Thank you so much for visiting and commenting. Have a wonderful evening.
I’m so glad this post wasn’t serious. I see people texting and driving all the time. More adults than teens. It makes me so nervous. My son’s best friend was killed in a car accident when his girlfriend was texting and driving. A beautiful life wasted and something she has to live with forever. So not worth whatever it was that they thought had to be texted right then and there.
Juliann recently posted…Space Camp is a Blast!
I am so sorry to hear this tremendous loss of a young life. Such a loss is never recovered.
I also see people texting and driving everyday. A few months ago a car was about to hit my car when my child was there. On the rear-view, I saw the driver of the other car texting. This is the reason why I wrote this post in the first place. I used humor as an awareness tool. I don’t know if people habituated to text and drive will ever read this but definitely I will keep trying to raise the awareness.
Thanks a lot for visiting and commenting. Have a wonderful weekend.
Thanks for the laugh! ?
I am glad to know that you liked it. Thanks for visiting and commenting. Have a wonderful weekend.
WOW this is genius. I love all the ideas. Personally I’ll just go for text to speech and speech to text software that way you can listen to the massages you get and just talk and press send. but still this is a great post.
Haha ? Thanks for reading and commenting. text2speech and speech2text are great ideas. Thanks for sharing. Have a wonderful rest of the week.
Loved it. Loved the humor. Something we can all grab onto. Have a good week.
Happy ? to know that you liked the humor. Thanks for visiting and commenting. You too have a wonderful week.
Wow, that Tesla windshield thing is really cool and innovative. Are they really doing that, or at least planning to create that? If they are, that would look so futuristic. However, I’m not sure text messaging would be good. I think video chat would be a lot better. It would be a lot more distracting if you have to read a text message on your windshield, rather than having a friend’s face there. You don’t have to concentrate on his face that much, right?
All the ideas of this post are outcomes of my vivid imagination. I tried to use sarcasm to raise an awareness in this post. However, I like the idea of video chat. Yes, you are correct. Reading a text on the windshield would be riskier than having a glance of the face. Having said that, nothing matters much when the car is driving all by itself. 🙂 I appreciate your visit and comments. Have a wonderful day.
Haha. Nice to see some humor in these crazy dangerous situations. So many times, drivers don’t even see the light turn green, because they are texting. And, I can easily bump into another pedestrian on the sidewalk every day, because he/she is immersed in his/her phone. Not texting while driving has now become a lifesaver!
Agreed. These have become day-to-day scenarios. Thank you for visiting and commenting.
This I should so funny! Did you draw the pictures? They are great!
I am glad to know that you found the post funny. Yes, I drew them on paper and then took pictures of them using the phone-camera. Thanks for your kind words.
I like your post, but i must agree with state governments decision. This can save lives. I saw may tragedies that took places because using the phone (texting or not) driving.
We too agree with the state. This is a humor-post to discourage texting and driving. I completely agree with you. The phone should be away while driving. Thank you for visiting and providing a valuable comment.
Great post…great humor about a serious subject! I wanted to let you all know that I have nominated you for the Liebster Award! You have a wonderful blog! The details on the award are on my newest post. Have a wonderful and fun day!
We thought that the awareness message would be portrayed better through the humor. I am glad to know that you liked the post. I appreciate your visit and comment. We are honored by the Liebster Award nomination. Many many thanks. You too have a wonderful day.
Haha! Very funny. But, in reality, it is a terrible thing and causes accidents.
Yes. Many accidents in these days are due to texting and driving. Thanks for visiting and commenting.
Clever! My state now labels rest stops as text stops – at least the rest stops near my home have signs that say “text stop”. My two year old car reads and responds to texts for you when driving, if you feel it necessary. So, how do we get people to stop applying make up, or reading newspapers while driving?
That is funny ? but Text Stop is a perfect name as well. A toddler responder of text messages is a smart ? idea. Applying makeup, reading newspapers, and eating breakfast need further attention, we agree. I guess, we need more innovative devices to help people do these things safely while driving. ? Thank you for reading and commenting. Have a wonderful day.
Maybe I wasn’t supposed to laugh at this, but damn it you stole many laughs from me. Seriously!
Take my money, and give me that! I will certainly present my boyfriend with that Tec.
You gained a follower.
Keep up the great work!
Haha ?. I am happy to know that you liked the high techs. We will let you know as soon as these techs are in the market. Thanks for the follow.
What great humor. I need the laugh, thank you.
We are glad ? to know that you liked the post. Thank you for visiting and commenting!
Driver-head mounts for smart phones?? this can’t be serious that would be something else.
Love always,
This is as real as it can be inside my brain ?. I appreciate your visit and comment!
This is great! ????
We appreciate your comment. Thank you for visiting. Have a wonderful evening.
I can’t comment, I used to read a book while I was driving the truck!
Hmm. Well … reading books ? might be off limit by law as long as it is hands-free. I think it is not clearly mentioned anywhere. ? Thanks for visiting and commenting!
Thank you for visiting and commenting! Have a wonderful week.
I’m answering via text on an interstate and driving MPH. Are you saying that’s OK??
?? without the innovative designs we described in this post, I wouldn’t suggest texting and blogging while driving (especially not on an interstate). ? Thank you for visiting and commenting! Have a wonderful and safe day. ?
Most definitely not ok.?
Agreed. 🙂
I Am surprised when a car driver is not using hij cell phone.
Even the same law is already existenting in the Netherlands.
Kind regards,
Haha … it has become a norm to use cellphones while driving (sadly).
Thank you for telling us about the driving and texting ban in the Netherlands. I appreciate your visit. Have a wonderful week.
I am a funeral undertaker and interested in sponsoring this amazing technology. How do I contact you 🙂
I appreciate the offer but we are planning on commercializing this technology after filing the patent. We will contact you once we are ready to accept sponsors. 🙂 You will be at the top of our sponsors’ list.
Thank you for visiting and commenting!
HaHa! I enjoyed the humor of this.
I am glad to know that you liked it. Thank you for visiting and commenting. Have a wonderful week.