STEM refers to academic disciplines of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics. We have seen many discussions over the last few years on why there are so few women in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics. Implicit bias, stereotypical threats, social force including bullying in school, family responsibilities, and many other factors have been already identified and discussed as the reasons of why there are so few women in the STEM disciplines.
I, Dear Dad of Settle in El Paso, have been thinking about working on a topic — Why women SHOULD join the STEM fields — for quite some time. To this end, I have bugged Dear Wife numerous times to give her numerous cents. She has been informing me that this is a large topic and we need to study more before we hit the Publish button. I have been researching and researching. The more I am researching the lesser focused I am becoming. However, I have come to a list of reasons why women should consider joining STEM areas just like any other areas they prefer. The list is provided below. Now, I need your help in understanding how to order these reasons. Would you very kindly check FOUR reasons listed below that you think are the most important ones in answering why women should join the STEM fields? This will help me in identifying the most important reasons and then come up with a post that builds on your input. There is a text box below that can be used to provide any additional reason you would like to write. Comments are very very welcome too.
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Women are burdened with many social responsibilities. As soon as she is 25 people being to think that she needs to get married and have kids. This is the general tendency in my culture. In my place people say learning how to cook will have more benefits for a woman rather than knowing how the universe was formed. Even though law treats men and women equally, the society considers women inferior to me.
I am of the opinion that women need as much opportunity as men in any field in life. Let them have the chance t=for I believe that a woman can do what a man can do as well. It is nice to read your article on that. I’m happy and hope you keep the good work of writing amazing articles on your blog.
I think that women are good in anything they want to accomplish. More women should try to practice in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics, because it may bring good improvements and ideas.
It passed the time when a woman could not join a field to practice, we live better times now, and the chances to practice are the same for women and men!
You have great posts on your site!
I am about to migrate my art blog, so please follow the https://inesepogalifeschool.com/ blog to stay in touch for now!
Thank you for the kind words. I am now following https://inesepogalifeschool.com/ . Have a wonderful weekend.