Magoffin Home State Historic Site

Happy new year! It has been some time since we published our last post. We know that our readers are damn worried without any post from us. Bazinga 🙂 … we are kidding. I am sure no one noticed that we have not posted anything in a while. Anyway, we are kind of having a month-long vacation. We are visiting our families and relatives. This is something we do almost every year. We are planning on continuing such tours to families and relatives in the coming years as well.

Speaking of posts, we wrote one guest post during our month-long vacation. Our friend Lisa Amaya invited us to write a guest-post in her blog Life of an El Paso Woman. For the specific post we wrote, published in Lisa’s blog, please click on the following link: Guest Post: The Magoffin Home of El Paso.

Some additional pictures of the Historic Site of Magoffin Home State are provided here for our readers’ viewing pleasure. 🙂

Settle in El Paso team


23 thoughts on “Magoffin Home State Historic Site

  1. I don’t know anything about Magoffin. I wish you had told the stories behind this site on this post.
    I enjoy visiting historical sites. The city where I live is also a historucal city. The city has been in existence since two thousand years. The oldest monument in this city dates back to 5th century. There are many monuments dating back to 11th through 18 th century.

  2. Places that reminds us of the past. Memories in pictures, truly the Magoffin home is a site to behold. Nice pictures of the area.

  3. o you were missed
    to ask why I thought remiss
    a problem resolved

    a month hiatus
    family historic site
    happiness fulfilled

    images record
    unique memories for you
    a tv view too

    ere I forget
    best wishes to and yours
    may 2017 be your year


    1. Wow! What a lovely poem. It is very kind of you to write this. We missed connecting with everyone as well. Happy new year to you and your family.

  4. It’s fun to take a peek into history this way. The old sink is very pretty. I’m also a sucker for lace and anything china–like the pitcher and bowl.

    I hope you had a wonderful holiday with your friends and family plus some rest and relaxation:)

    1. We are glad to know that you enjoyed the pictures. About the holiday, yes it was wonderful. We enjoyed every bit of it. Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment.

    1. We are extremely sorry that we did not respond earlier. The comment went to the Spam folder. I just noticed it today. Thank you so much for visiting our post and writing a comment. We are glad to know that you liked the Teddy on the bed. We specifically asked our guide if the Teddy was from Magoffin’s time. 🙂 The answer was definitely a big No. Have a wonderful week.

  5. Love old houses and charming places. You’ve got both in this post. Best wishes for a great year of blogging. And welcome back!

    1. We are glad to know that you love old houses. It is really amazing how an old house can capture the history of the local culture and lifestyle. Thank you for the warm welcome.

    1. Thank you for letting us know that you love historical sites. We too love such preserved places! These sites are like time machines. 🙂 Many thanks for visiting our blog and commenting.

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