Healthy Habits to Adopt When You’re Facing a Major Life Transition

Healthy Habits to Adopt When You’re Facing a Major Life Transition. It is essential to maintain healthy habits during a major life transition. We all go through major life transitions. Moving, graduation, marriage, having children, losing a loved one, retirement – all of these can cause major upheaval to your emotional well-being. And during these transitions, many people resolve to focus on one thing at a time – waiting until things change. #lifestyle #motivation
Today’s article is a contribution from Stephanie Haywood, who is a blogger passionate about self-care and personal development. Stephanie is the person behind

We all go through major life transitions. Moving, graduation, marriage, having children, losing a loved one, retirement – all of these can cause major upheaval to your emotional well-being. And during these transitions, many people resolve to focus on one thing at a time – waiting until things blow over before making any changes in their lives. This can be solid advice, depending on the major life event. It can also be a missed opportunity. Periods of transition can be great times to get rid yourself of bad habits and adopt good ones. Here are some great ways to transform yourself and piggyback off a seismic life shift.

New Career

A new career can be a thrilling adventure, but it also comes with its fair share of worries and anxieties. If you’re in the midst of a career change, now is the perfect time to embrace new habits. If punctuality has always been your Achilles’ heel, try setting your alarm 15-30 minutes earlier every day to ensure you arrive on time. Plan your lunches and outfits the night before so mornings are a breeze and you can get out the door in no time.

If stress has been a major factor in your job change, evaluate what you can do in your new situation to avoid falling into previous habits. Look for ways to maintain positivity, try not to accept more than you can manage at work, and make a point to introduce yourself to new co-workers instead of hiding in your office or cubicle. Using these strategies all at once or a little at a time can be a great way to set yourself up for success on your new adventure.

Embrace a big move

Moving is a major life transition that presents a perfect opportunity to make positive, wholesale changes in your life. Packing up and moving to a new place – whether it’s across the city, across the country, or across the world – helps you reassess what’s truly important to you, and helps you recognize what’s holding you back. This fresh start gives you a chance to re-evaluate the type of people you want to be around, the food you eat, how you live, and how you spend your time.

Of course, moving has its own set of stressors. Making a big move without being financially ready can be a detriment to your wallet and mental health. If you’ve always moved without a framework, now’s the time to try something different. If you plan things right and budget accordingly, you can make a successful move without spending a fortune. Carefully plot out your move and implement a cost calculator to help you plan down to the nickel. It will keep your bank account from suffering too much during this major transition.

Get active

Many life shifts come with emotional baggage, and there are few great ways to help you fight feelings of depression, anxiety, and apathy. One of the ways is to get the proper amount of physical activity. Being sedentary is a bad habit you need to ditch. The good thing about getting active is that it provides so many different things for different people – depending on what you need at the time. If you’re bored and lonely, it gives you something to do. If you’re battling a medical condition, it helps gets your healthier. If you’re looking for friendship, group and partner exercise opportunities are everywhere.

Plus, it can be done in stages – as fast or as slow as you want. Do some sit-ups during commercial breaks as you watch television at night. Take the stairs instead of the elevator every day at work. Put an exercise bike in your home office. Commit to walking the dog twice a day.

Don’t bite off more than you can chew, but if you’re feeling strong enough you should think about how to make the most of a major life transition. By ditching bad habits and replacing them with good ones, you can make sure you come out the other side of the life shift healthier and happier.

Written by Stephanie Haywood


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