Thank you for visiting our blog. The blog is on family lifestyle. Therefore, it covers a variety of topics from how to set up a drip irrigation system for your home garden to what items parents should pack for a zoo trip with a toddler to what nutrient groups are essential for children daily. Family financial planning, money saving, retirement plans — all go with our family lifestyle blog. Parenting strategies, child development, and education are a significant focus too.
The information pieces we provide in most of our articles are nontrivial and valuable in improving a family lifestyle. We hope that you will enjoy the articles.
Our story: We moved to El Paso, Texas a few years back from the East Coast and have been wanting to write our experience for some time. We created our blog with the hope that our stories will help others in overcoming obstacles while settling into a new town. In this journey, we discovered one valuable and probably obvious thing — settling into a new place is easy when you do it as a family, make new friends wherever you go, and always keep a big smile on your face. Therefore, here are our big smiles 😀 😀 😀 You can send us your smile back via the Comment section below. Thank you so much for visiting us!
A Family Blog: Settle in El Paso
Note: Both of us (Dear Mom and Dear Dad) write in our blog. Dear Son does the hardest job — he keeps us motivated! 🙂
Another Note: We are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to Amazon.com and affiliated sites.
ps – I drove through El Paso once when I was doing a cross-country trip. I really liked the energy.
That is so exciting. As you have already seen, El Paso is a border town in the desert. Different weather and a lot of excitement. Thank you for visiting our blog and writing lovely comments.
Such a lovely blog! Very nice to meet you all 🙂 Your son has an awesome job as inspiration!
Blessings, Debbie
I appreciate your visit and the comment. Have a wonderful weekend.
Thank you for the visit and follow. It’s nice to meet you, and I look forward to hearing about El Paso. I’ve only zipped past on my travels back and forth when headed East. 🙂
You are welcome! Thank you for visiting our blog. We are looking forward to reading your posts. Have a wonderful rest of the week followed by a great weekend.
hy there great bolg was very infomative
Glad to know that you liked our blog. Thanks for visiting and commenting.
So Your Son is the CEO of this blog?
Kind regards,
No doubt in that. ? Best wishes.
Good luck, Settle. I’m envious. I’ve been trying to get to a smaller city for years, but need to line up a job first… Not already living in a place is a huge obstacle to getting a job.
Have a great new week. Hugs.
Thank you for visiting our blog! Living in small cities has its own charm as well as challenges. I agree that getting a job from out-of-town is difficult. Happy Easter. You too have a wonderful new week!
Hi! I nominated you for the Versatile Blogger Award!
You can read more about it via this link:
The award is non-compulsory and I hope you have a great day!
Hi, thanks a lot for the nomination! That is very inspirational and an honor. I will let you know if we participate. You too have a wonderful week.
I enjoyed reading some of your posts. I like your blog name too. It caught my eye because I used to live near White Sands and Las Cruces.
We are very glad to know that you liked the blog name and enjoyed reading our posts. You lived so near to us! Have a wonderful weekend.
Thanks for visiting The Glasgow Gallivanter!
You are welcome! Thanks for visiting our blog as well. Have a wonderful week.
Thanks for reading the blog today! Love your page. Jim
Glad to know that you liked our blog. Have a wonderful week.
Hi there,
I appreciated your visit and kind comment and thought I should drop by your blog! I love the idea of documenting the experience of relocating/resettling somewhere as a family unit — it gets me thinking about my own experiences of moving too.
I look forward to reading more!
Hi Nur, Thanks a lot for visiting our blog, following, and writing wonderful comments. I have read in your blog that you grew up in several countries of Asia. That is so amazing. We are looking forward to reading your posts.
Settle in El Paso team
Thank you for stopping by my blog.
You have a wonderful blog with magnificent recipes! We are looking forward to trying them. Have a great evening.
Hi! Thanks a lot for the follow!
Great blog here! 😉
You are most welcome. Thanks for visiting our blog and following. We are looking forward to reading your posts in your blog. Have a wonderful week.
Hi, Thank you for following my photography blog, Jane’s Lens. I hope you enjoy my work. You have a wonderful blog and resident artist! ?
You are welcome and thanks a lot for visiting our blog. We are having hard time keep our resident artist flourish his talent on paper only. The talent is always searching for a bigger canvas, like a big clean wall. ?
I love the cute picture your son drew 🙂 Thanks for visiting Chlohemian – as a teacher, I’ll be following your education posts!
Hahaha. Thank you! Dear Son’s drawing skill has improved in last one year. I guess, our family picture needs to be updated. 🙂 Thanks a ton for visiting and writing a wonderful comment. We will be following Chlohemian too.
thanks much for visiting my blog – am so glad its led me to your totally charming site 🙂
Thanks a ton for the visit and comment. We are glad that you stopped by.
You’re an amazing family in the blogging neighbourhood! Glad to meet you! 🙂
Thank you so much for liking my post & following my blog! I’m so hapPy! 🙂
Glad to meet you as well. Thank you for following back our blog, commenting, and liking our posts. We are looking forward to reading your posts!
What a great idea for your blog – full of informative and interesting guidance and projects. I do hope it has helped your transition to your new home. Thank you following my blog – much appreciated 🙂
Thank you very much for visiting our blog, Lynn. Yes definitely you are right; this blog is a something through which we received great comments and helpful suggestions. Thanks again for taking the time to visit our blog and writing an encouraging comment. Have a wonderful day!
Thank you for coming back over to my blog ?
I have nominated you for the Three Quotes for Three Days challenge. Please only accept if you are happy to, it is just a fun way to do something a little different. Every blessing.
Dear Vanessa,
Thank you very much for the nomination! We already completed one set of posts under Three Quotes for Three Days challenge. We enjoyed this activity a lot, as you said, it is fun to do something different. Again, we appreciate that you thought of us while searching for nominees.
It is always a pleasure seeing you in our blog.
Settlers, Settle in El Paso team, 🙂
I’ve nominated you for the 3 day 3 quote challenge. If you wish to accept, the rules are in the link: https://caboosemama.com/2016/10/19/three-day-three-quotes-challenge-2/
Dear Natalia,
Thank you very much for the nomination! We are planning to participate! We will inform you once we post something related to this challenge. Best regards.
Thank you very much for visiting my blog, liking my posts and following. I appreciate you taking the time to stop by giving me the pleasure of finding your wonderful family blog, it’s a pleasure to meet you and connect 🙂
Thank you very much Vanessa, for visiting our blog and leaving your kind words. It was great visiting your blog. Yes, definitely we look forward to your upcoming posts. Have a lovely day. 🙂
How lovely that all of you contribute to this blog. We would love to see El Paso, and maybe we will someday. We have relatives in Houston and Athens, TX, so who knows? We just may head to El Paso, too! Thanks for following Oh, the Places We See. Glad to have you aboard.
Dear Rusha, thank you for visiting our blog, the follow, and your lovely message. We are glad to know that you may plan to visit El Paso someday. Please let us know if you come by El Paso. We would love to meet you, and of course, we will unanonymize ourselves to you. 🙂 Have a wonderful week.
More power to your family! Would love to read more about your son’s adventure! xoxox
Dear Lenny, thank you for visiting and leaving a comment. We visited your blog. Your website is so lovely. Thank you! Best regards.
Lovely meeting your family and this blog! Thanks for visiting the coffee bean brain!
Thank you very much, Claire, for stopping by. We are happy to meet you, as well. Have a wonderful weekend.
this is such a great concept. looking forward to reading more!
Thank you very much, kStan(ly), for visiting our blog. We are happy to know that you liked the concept. Have a wonderful day tomorrow, followed by a great weekend. 🙂